4 Apr 2010

Social counseling

Over the last few days I've had a number of things published online, and the decision to have them published has, mostly, been down to me. Things ranging from an article on appearance, to blog posts on here, to why I wish there were gyms in the dark
Before you think I'm just trying to boast... I'm not, honest... (although I seem to be strangely proud of the fact that I have no social life),I'm trying to make a point.
As I battled this morning with all ten square meters of the Sunday Times, I looked longingly through the pages, hoping that one day, I may get there. Okay, it's not exactly 'take over the world' ambitious but it's a start!
Anyway, I realised, in addition to my writing, the internet has allowed me to vent in many ways. If something annoys you, two minutes later you can have it stuck on Facebook with 5 replies of sympathy.
Just the other day, after being left to my own devices, I decided to cook some vegetables. Not exactly proving wrong all those people who say all vegetarians eat is rabbit food but never mind...
Anyway, as I managed to achieve ten degree burns all over my hand and a very questionable hotpot, all was not lost. I later felt a lot times better about being such an idiot just by sharing it with the world. Well, a very small portion of the world that are loosely labeled as my 'friends'.
And for those of you who like a challenge, try getting to sleep with one hand sat in a glass of cold water.
We may complain that Facebook and Twitter are taking over the world, but is it good for our mental health? If I have something on my mind, I'll write about it and it will somehow find its way on to the internet. I mean, the idea for this blog post came five minutes ago. I already feel like a mini weight has been lifted!
That isn't to say that I know people are going to read anything I write, but the very chance that they might...well it feels almost therapeutic.
It isn't so much the fact that people listen to your problems, but the fact that you can knowingly let go of little annoyances just by broadcasting them for people to see, well, Facebook might be on to something there.
Even just typing an ambiguous 'aarrrrrggghh' feels so much better on the internet then on Microsoft Word.
I swear, if counseling statistics start to fall, you heard it here first....

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