I've had a brainwave. On my quest to happiness, I've realised that I should take as many chances as possible. And through doing this - I've listened to my gut instinct and pushed myself outside of my comfort zone. I've so far realised that challenging myself to do things that are difficult, is helping.
I often find myself slipping into a state of not caring, an unmotivated mindset that easily occurs, and is poisonous. It's the kind of zombie-like state that leads to getting nothing done, and eventually, a full time job cleaning Iceland's toilets.
Well, I've recently realised the true extent to which a challenge is what can set me free. I'm not sure if this is just me, or if everyone agrees. But nothing gets me more motivated than thinking that there's something I will only achieve if I try really hard at it.
If something's easy to do...why do it? It's not dissimilar from those who play 'hard to get'. Challenges are so attractive because they're a chance to prove yourself.
I've learnt that I'm better at things if I know there's a slight chance I can't do it.
A perfect example is the recent debate with the three party leaders. Nick Clegg is going through the biggest challenge out of the three of them, yet he performed the best by far. He was under a lot more pressure to prove himself.
When you think of a task ahead that needs doing - do you not find that if there's a possibility of failure - it just makes you more motivated?
In the near future, I'm faced with five weekends and a two week course, in order to finish training to be a soldier. I'm faced with a 6 mile run with 15 kg on my back. Amongst many other things that sound a million miles away from what I'm physically and mentally capable of. But this excites me, simply because it's a challenge, and that's what keeps life interesting. Nothing's worse than plodding through an easy life.
It's a little bit like an adrenaline rush, as soon as I hear the word 'challenge', I feel a surge of power, and turn into a man on a mission. It's a good feeling. Someone tells me I can't do something? Someone tells me my writing's terrible? Beautiful. That's just what I need to make me feel alive, really.
You see, that's why we should feel pity, not jealousy, for those annoying people that do really well without any effort. They're missing out on challenges. Tell me you don't like my blog, I dare you. You'll be doing me a favour :)
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