21 Dec 2009

Sombre snow.

Despite my best attempts, I can't seem to escape stress, unhappiness and just bad vibes in general. Not necessarily from myself or friends, but there's always someone around who wants to complain. And there's always bad news going on in the world. I don't like to watch the news (please don't tell any of my tutors at University that) because whilst I do believe that news channels are very influential when it comes to agenda setting, it's always a negative agenda. Full of war, paedophiles and death. Which, in a morning, is almost as hard to digest as a shoe. But bad news leaks everywhere. For instance, Facebook has informed me roughly 15 times tonight that actress Brittany Murphy has died from a cardiac arrest earlier today. Facebook is also full of complaints about the snow. I can't really think of much good news that's been emphasised enough to stick in my mind, recently. Oh, apart from Rage Against the Machine's victory, to which I am happy about. There you go, one uplifting sentence to keep you reading.
Anyway, all of this, it's made me wonder, why do we bother with redundant emotions? There's no point in feeling guilt, regret or jealousy, so why do we let them consume us?
 People cut things from their diet that they don't like, and we all cut out people that are no good for us, so why can't we do the same with feelings? Whenever anyone asks me what regrets I have, or what I would change if I could go back in time, I reply with 'nothing'. What's the point getting frustrated about the past? It's happened, so the only thing you can do is move on. And before you start to just think that I must be talking out of my arse - can you think of a time that anything good came out of you regretting something?
There are things in my life that I could easily dwell on, wish to have back, be jealous of - but what's the point? My time is better spent focusing on the future, and thinking about things that I can change. However, is it healthy to do this? Maybe all I'm actually doing is running the risk of becoming cold-hearted and emotionless.
 If I'm sad about something I can't change, I try to block out that emotion - but is that just living in denial?
As we become more reliant on technology for communication, as :) and :( mask our real faces, will be become detached from emotions? As the recession and global warming continue to deteriorate, will we start to become more realistic and pragmatic in order to survive?
The more challenges we face in life - do we learn to keep our emotions more intact? Recently, the media has warned people to cut down on their meat intake in order to help the environment. Well, cutting down on polluting thoughts can help uplift our own environments, surely.
I may come across slightly emotionless, but I can assure you that I'm not completely dead inside, sparkly things will always amaze me, and The Notebook will never fail to make me cry.

1 comment:

  1. You’re not the only one who can ramble

    In my opinion life is very mundane. That is probably why we watch films like the notebook to stir up some sort of emotion. People get stuck in routine because it is safe and easy and I think if you were to shut yourself off to emotion you would find very little fulfilment in life. If people didn’t dream due to fear it wouldn’t come true and it might make them feel  then we wouldn’t make much progress.

    So Brittany Murphy has died at the age of 32 I think but what a life she had. We should measure a successful life on what we achieved rather than how long we can clutter up the planet for. I could think of nothing worse than existing for 80 years only to realise that I haven’t actually lived.

    I’m not afraid to watch the news but I know what you mean about the agenda they have but since you are aware of that why not make your own interpretations of the articles not what they are trying to dictate to you. So we are made to believe by the media that if we let our children out after dark or don’t drop them off inside the school gate they will be abducted by paedophiles. However the evidence shows that in most cases the threat is from within the family or from friends. So knowing this we should be able to read the sensational articles about paedophilia with scepticism and make our own judgements.

    I’d love to see things for myself and want to experience different cultures in the same way I want to experience different emotions.

    Moving back to The Notebook you clearly like a love story but as in the film wonderful things don’t come easily that is why they are wonderful. If you ever want to fall in love then you’ve got to take the chance of getting your heartbroken.

    I like your idea of no regrets. Learn from mistakes and move on. You can right it of as something like life experience. I plan to take a few chances and then hopefully if I make it to a nursing home I’ll have some stories to tell.

    And something I’m sure will cheer you up is that Office for National Statistics data is set to show the recession is already over! www.business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/economics/article6962935.ece

    What a lad of crap but I thought I'd comment to let you know your blog does get me thinking.
