26 Sept 2009

Next time you're in the bath....

On this slow Saturday afternoon, with The Smiths and an Earl Grey tea for company, I've fallen deep into my own thoughts as I contemplate life and look out of my bedroom window. I'm sure you've never been bored enough for this to cross your mind, but have you ever looked at a busy street and wondered where everyone is going?
Whenever you venture outside, unless you live on a field or like to go for walks at three in the morning, you will cross paths with a lot of people. Next time you're walking through a town centre, look up. Unless there's a pigeon above your head that is. My bet is that you'll see offices, millions of them.
I went to Manchester a few weeks ago, and walking through the City centre, I was surrounded by windows towering millions of miles into the sky, but what are all these offices full of? What can these many workers possibly be doing? Every little window will have had something going on inside of it.
Sometimes when I have nothing else floating around my mind, weird thoughts like this seem take a hold over me.
I also like to think that at any point in time, I could be sat writing a blog post, or trying to get to sleep, and somewhere in the world, simultaneously, someone is giving birth, someone is getting married, someone is falling off a horse...It's quite exciting, really.
When I'm ever on the motorway, I always wonder where people are zooming off to, what adventure is awaiting them. There's a story inside every car, annoyingly though, I never find out what it is. I think it's just rather amazing how there's been so many times I've felt completely alone, and so many times I think that no one else could be going through what I've gone through, but of course there is.
Sometimes I think that there's no one that could possibly like Spearmint chewing gum as I do, but there will be...somewhere.

It's a little unsettling to think that out of the billions of people in the world, we know only a tiny, tiny fraction of these people. If you've ever been sat on a train and been really bored, chances are the stranger sat next to you engrossed in a book would have the perfect funny story to tell you, but because you're strangers to each other, this doesn't happen.
So there's a snippet of my weird contemplations of the day, just remember, next time you're down, somewhere in the world, someone is having a worse time than you, and vice versa (but if you're reading my blog, no one closer than China will be having a better time than you, obviously).

1 comment:

  1. Ian StephensonSeptember 26, 2009

    Yes! I wonder the same things, too, it's bloody bizarre. There's a hill in Sheffield called Bole Hill (I don't know if you know it) but you can see across the valley to the hill on the other side of the city, and I can remember sitting there once thinking, "I wonder if there is anyone sat on that hill wondering if there is someone sat on this hill..."

    Also, if I'm out during the middle of the day on a weekday, I always wonder what the people in the cars are doing, I always think, "shouldn't you be at work?"

    It's weird to think that while I'm sat on my bed reading your blog on a saturday evening, there could be some Eskimos on the other side of the world hunting caribou and fishing just so they can survive the next week. It's odd, and I don't like it. We should all be in synch like a well-oiled and boringly monotonous machine. Hmm...

    PS. Are there any astronauts in space at the minute? I wonder what they're doing, they're not even on Earth...
