When everything gets a little bit too much - what do you do? Someone once asked me this question, and I couldn't reply. When everything seems to be going a little bit wrong, when there's so much to think about that you opt to not think about anything at all, what do you do? I guess some people would choose to have a drink or a cigarette, or a bubble bath...I'm really struggling, though. Listening to music and writing always calm me down, but what happens when you're relaxed and the problems are still there? No amount of bath water can rinse them away.
I understand that tackling stress is a priority, as it's quite literally, poisonous, but what happen if you can't? A few days ago, I read that 90% of illnesses are caused by stress. I don't smoke, I don't drink caffeine or eat too much bad stuff, I exercise and I meditate, but the one downfall I do have will probably end up killing me. Which is a shame, really...
Just like some people have one particular hangover cure that works wonders, I wish I had one specific thing that really just, completely calmed me down and restored my faith in the world. I could write an endless list of things that remind me how beautiful the world is, at the top of the list is people watching through a Starbucks window, on a rainy day in York. But once my tall, decaf, black Americano had been devoured, I'd once again be left with the scars of my stressful tendencies.
Another activity I like to indulge in when I need to put the world to right, is sitting on a bench and watching people, in a none-perverted way. There's a park right in the centre of Edinburgh that's perfect. It's a long, narrow stretch of pathway through the bustling city centre, but it's sheltered by grass and trees, and almost seems a million miles away from where it is. The people that walk through are of every walk of life, busy Scotsmen annoyed by tourists, loud camera-laden Americans, lost Germans... and it's amazing to watch.
However, as all I can stare at out of my window is bricks and washing lines, maybe I should blame the boring view for my stress. And ring the council immediately to ask for a park outside of my window, for health reasons.
The blue/black starbucks coffee shop on the corner, near the minster, I used to do the same thing every week.