23 Oct 2009

''Life is what happens when you're waiting for a table''

One of my worst fears is turning into an adult. However, as I try my best to refrain from this ever happening, I can kind of feel my soul  already starting to drain away. I'm constantly thinking about the days ahead of me, and mentally timetabling in lectures, meetings, the gym, and all other adult-like activities my life has seemed to fill up with. You know you're turning into an adult when your conversations with people evolve from talking about bathroom-related jokes to talking about food shopping and essays.
 I think I'm starting to realise, it's the little things that aren't planned that keep me happy.
When I wake up and know what the day in front me is going to be like, I often wish I could do something to mess it up, do something to break up the routine and cause a bit of chaos. What's the point of living out a day if you know exactly how it's going to end?
If I look over the past few days, I know that, whilst I enjoy everything I do, the little moments in between the important stuff is what makes me smile.
 If you could plan your life out exactly how you want it to go, would you? Or is the element of surprise better?
It's just little things that are unexpected that really make me happy, for example, walking home from a night out last night resulted in me relieving my bladder underneath a lorry. Just something little (and a bit disgusting, I know) but it's things like that that make me feel young.
But as we let ourselves get weighed down by life's stresses, are we missing out on the little things that could make our day if only we paid attention? There's a  Sex And The City episode that comes to mind, which I think sums up what I'm trying to say; "life is what happens when you're waiting for a table" and, although you maybe need to watch the episode to make sense of it, I think it's very true, unfortunately.
Our lives pass us by without us realising, because we're so preoccupied with focusing on the future.
My 20th birthday is going to be a dark, dark day...I'm going to have to find another lorry to wee under to re-gain my youth. Where's Nevernever land when you need it...

1 comment:

  1. One way to stave of this feeling is to do something outside you comfort zone every now and then so that you can have one of those Carpe diem (look it up) days. If you can look back on the day every now and then and think you pushed yourself to the limits then you can then deal with menisci of the business as usual stuff t that makes up the usual day.
    A couple of weeks ago I climbed a mountain, it took ten hours to go up and come down again but it was exhilarating and I wouldn’t have swapped it for anything in the world.

    Doncaster Geordie
