A word that I find interesting is 'libido', and I find it interesting because it is frequently used, but not always in the right context. Our good friend Freud may have described libido as one's sexual drive and energy, however the word has a very broader meaning, as I recently discovered.
I have found many, many perceptions of the word, but the one that stood out to me defined the libido as psychic energy; "It is the energy that manifests itself in the life process and is perceived subjectively as striving and desire." In other words, it is basically our energy. Our energy that we, apparently, focus solely on reproducing, according to several sources.
This got me to thinking; we're born ultimately to reproduce, and our offspring are born to reproduce, so should we feel guilty if we decide not to personally continue the human race? I would have thought that over time, as civilization evolved and we became aware to other choices in life; that this (in my opinion) inhumane expectation to reproduce would have abated.
You may have a 'type', or a mental list of what you find attractive in others, but this may all be in vain. Experts say that what attracts us, subconsciously, to others, is our perception of their mating abilities. For instance, in a man, women subliminally look for qualities such as strength, good health, and strong fertility. And this is because ultimately we're just here to reproduce?
Isn't that basically the same as thinking about what you're going to eat later on in the day... whilst eating?
If we don't want children, are we wasting our time being in a relationship? A relationship we thought was built on trust, personalities that click, and lust? When really, we're together because of our potential to make babies? Doesn't this make the initial reasons to be together, obsolete?
We may like to think that we've evolved entirely from our cave men ancestors, when really, the basic principles still stand. Women still want a man who can survive, a strong man who can light a fire and be a good father. And a woman's only purpose in life is still to bear children. What about the new-age term 'career minded women', those who live to work and don't have children; do they go against their purpose on earth?
Maybe next time I won't have the oysters.
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