9 Jul 2009

Do you need a bottle opener?

In this age of constantly expanding communication, with such instant access to conversation, is all of the small talk overpowering what's really important?
It seems as if what really matters sometimes gets lost in a sea of 'how are you?'s and 'what you been up to?'s. I can't remember the last time I poured out my emotions and really told someone how I'm feeling. Yes, I'm aware that that sounds like a less than enthralling conversation, but don't we need that release every one in a while?
I've experienced that familiar clouded over look followed by 'you'll be okay...' too many times. There's so much that we could all open up about - but not everybody does. For me, the opportunity seems to arise so infrequently that I've become accustomed to bottling everything up. Which I'm guessing is about as healthy as a battered Mars bar.
Are we in danger of becoming more and more introverted? In the future, I can see people resorting to counseling just to have someone to listen, if we carry on this way.
With several of my friends knowing what I'm doing this weekend, what my favourite song is at the minute and what I think of the weather...does anyone really know me?
Can you remember the last time someone looked deep into your eyes, asked you how you really were, and listened intently? And, I know this may be a little far-fetched, but maybe they even responded with a relevant resolution?
Some people are naturals at pouring out their emotions, and I envy the people whose worries immediately fall out of their mouths. For not everyone is like that, at all. Including me. So next time anyone asks me how I am, they’d better be sitting down.

1 comment:

  1. I really struggle with small talk. So badly infact that it prevents me from finding new friends. One thing I've realised recently however is that some people just don't think the same way we do.
    Consider the idea that rather than a lack of profound conversation being the cause of introvert behavior, it is the introvert nature of us that prevents us from seeking out like minded people with which to converse.

    Many a time have I reached out to someone with a non superficial topic only to have my arm bitten off. The sum total of these experiences have taught me that it takes a long time to sus out whether someone is receptive to your thoughts. Hense me finding it appropriate to share with you on this post.
